zaterdag, mei 01, 2004
De Nederlandse website Retecool heeft het omstreden april-nummer van het satirische blad Sprout online gezet. In het nummer, dat gewijd is aan de affaire-Dutroux, wordt kardinaal Danneels in verband gebracht met een pedofilie-schandaal, en staan ook schokkende foto's van de autopsie van Julie en Melissa, die aantonen dat de meisjes zwaar mishandeld werden. Het aprilnummer van Sprout is na klachten van de ouders van de meisjes uit de handel genomen.
Bron: Het Belang van Limburg.
Bron: Het Belang van Limburg.
vrijdag, april 30, 2004
Bezoekers van de World Press Photo-tentoonstelling kunnen dit jaar voor het eerst met de 'guideID' op stap: een walkman vol verhalen van fotografen. Eén druk op de groene knop van het apparaatje en Jean-Marc Bouju, de Franse winnaar van de World Press Photo 2003, spreekt opeens vloeiend Nederlands. Bij een tiental gemarkeerde foto's staat een vriendelijke mannenstem uitgebreid stil, over de overige winnende werken wordt (helaas) gezwegen.
Roos Tesselaar vertelt in het Algemeen Dagblad over deze walkman vol fotoverhalen. (Bij de persviewing van de tentoonstelling was ze ook de enige die hem daadwerkelijk gebruikte.)
Roos Tesselaar vertelt in het Algemeen Dagblad over deze walkman vol fotoverhalen. (Bij de persviewing van de tentoonstelling was ze ook de enige die hem daadwerkelijk gebruikte.)
donderdag, april 29, 2004
Naked Iraqi prisoners were stacked in a human pyramid, and wires were attached to one to convince him he could be electrocuted, according to photographs CBS News obtained. Criminal charges have been laid against six military police. The photos, shown last night on 60 Minutes II, were taken late last year at Abu Ghraib, a prison for hundreds captured in the invasion/occupation.
In March, the U.S. Army announced six members from the 800th Military Police Brigade faced court martial for alleged abuse of about 20 prisoners on criminal charges that include cruelty and maltreatment, assault and indecent acts with another person. Also urged was disciplinary action against seven officers, who helped run the prison, including Brig.-Gen. Janice Karpinski who commands the 800th Brigade.
Bron: Toronto Star.
In March, the U.S. Army announced six members from the 800th Military Police Brigade faced court martial for alleged abuse of about 20 prisoners on criminal charges that include cruelty and maltreatment, assault and indecent acts with another person. Also urged was disciplinary action against seven officers, who helped run the prison, including Brig.-Gen. Janice Karpinski who commands the 800th Brigade.
Bron: Toronto Star.
New York Times executive editor Bill Keller put to rest one of the best-kept secrets in the industry today by naming Michele McNally as the paper's director of photography. McNally, who has been a picture editor at Fortune since 1986, will join the daily deadline pressures of America's leading paper in June.
McNally's title as director of photography is an upgrade in authority: photo chiefs at the Times have previously held the title of picture editor. One source familiar with management thinking says the title change shows that Keller and the other top editors have full confidence in McNally, and that alone should help her break down communication barriers between departments.
Photographers describe McNally as a strong editor and an impassioned defender of photojournalism. In addition to her work for the magazine, she regularly judges industry competitions and has worked as a mentor to young photographers at the World Press Photo's Masterclass in Amsterdam.
Bron: Editor & Publisher.
McNally's title as director of photography is an upgrade in authority: photo chiefs at the Times have previously held the title of picture editor. One source familiar with management thinking says the title change shows that Keller and the other top editors have full confidence in McNally, and that alone should help her break down communication barriers between departments.
Photographers describe McNally as a strong editor and an impassioned defender of photojournalism. In addition to her work for the magazine, she regularly judges industry competitions and has worked as a mentor to young photographers at the World Press Photo's Masterclass in Amsterdam.
Bron: Editor & Publisher.
woensdag, april 28, 2004
Vandaag opende in Hamburg de World Press Photo tentoonstelling, die sinds maandag ook in de Oude Kerk te Amsterdam te zien is.
Opvallend is trouwens, dat de tentoonstelling in vele Europese landen gratis of voor een minimaal bedrag te bezoeken is, terwijl men er in Amsterdam zes euro voor moet neertellen. En dat voor een karig aantal foto's waarvan de printkwaliteit regelrecht matig kan worden genoemd, in een ruimte waar je vooral moet opletten dat je niet je nek breekt.
Opvallend is trouwens, dat de tentoonstelling in vele Europese landen gratis of voor een minimaal bedrag te bezoeken is, terwijl men er in Amsterdam zes euro voor moet neertellen. En dat voor een karig aantal foto's waarvan de printkwaliteit regelrecht matig kan worden genoemd, in een ruimte waar je vooral moet opletten dat je niet je nek breekt.

foto Eckehard Schulz
James Nachtwey tijdens een persconferentie vanavond in Leipzig, waar hij de 'Award for the Liberty and Future of the Media' ontving die de Leipziger Medienstiftung hem heeft toegekend voor zijn gehele journalistieke werk.
Lees ook het artikel in Der Spiegel.

foto AP
Time Inc. is stepping up its plans to relaunch Life magazine, whose world-famous photojournalism made it one of the publisher's best-known brands. Sources said Time Inc. plans to reintroduce Life as a supplement published in Friday newspapers, with a target launch date of fall 2004 and an initial circulation of 10 million to 12 million.
Mohamed al-Fayed, de vader van de laatste vriend van prinses Diana, heeft de Amerikaanse zender CBS aangeklaagd wegens het tonen van foto's van de stervende prinses. Al-Fayed verwijt CBS met de uitzending de privé-sfeer te hebben geschonden en leed te hebben veroorzaakt.
Dat meldde het Amerikaanse Fox News woensdag.
Tot woede van nabestaanden en de Britse regering liet CBS vorige week in een speciale uitzending twee zwart-wit-foto's van de bewusteloze Diana zien. De foto's waren enkele minuten na haar ongeluk zeven jaar geleden in Parijs gemaakt. Bij het ongeval kwam ook al-Fayeds zoon Dodi om het leven.
Bron: ANP.
Dat meldde het Amerikaanse Fox News woensdag.
Tot woede van nabestaanden en de Britse regering liet CBS vorige week in een speciale uitzending twee zwart-wit-foto's van de bewusteloze Diana zien. De foto's waren enkele minuten na haar ongeluk zeven jaar geleden in Parijs gemaakt. Bij het ongeval kwam ook al-Fayeds zoon Dodi om het leven.
Bron: ANP.
Wie na alle affaires, plechtigheden en geboortes nog geen genoeg van de Oranjes heeft, kan via internet terecht bij de Koninklijke Bibliotheek in Den Haag.
Die presenteert ter gelegenheid van Koninginnedag ruim 4000 digitale afbeeldingen van leden van het Nederlandse koninklijk huis op de website van het digitaliseringsprogramma Het Geheugen van Nederland.
Het gaat om bijzondere prentbriefkaarten, merendeels zwart-wit, uit de periode 1880-1960. "De prentbriefkaarten maken zichtbaar hoe de afstand tussen vorst en volk in de loop der jaren steeds kleiner werd", aldus een woordvoerster van de KB.
De collectie omvat onder meer officiële portretten, glamourfoto's, informele kiekjes en persfoto's van werkbezoeken in binnen- en buitenland. De meest voorkomende figuren op de plaatjes zijn de vorstinnen Wilhelmina en Juliana.
Die presenteert ter gelegenheid van Koninginnedag ruim 4000 digitale afbeeldingen van leden van het Nederlandse koninklijk huis op de website van het digitaliseringsprogramma Het Geheugen van Nederland.
Het gaat om bijzondere prentbriefkaarten, merendeels zwart-wit, uit de periode 1880-1960. "De prentbriefkaarten maken zichtbaar hoe de afstand tussen vorst en volk in de loop der jaren steeds kleiner werd", aldus een woordvoerster van de KB.
De collectie omvat onder meer officiële portretten, glamourfoto's, informele kiekjes en persfoto's van werkbezoeken in binnen- en buitenland. De meest voorkomende figuren op de plaatjes zijn de vorstinnen Wilhelmina en Juliana.

A photo of Pope John Paul II by AFP photographer Patrick Hertzog has won the Prix Bendrihem. Mr Hertzog's photo shows a tired John Paul II with his head in his hands during a general audience at his summer residence in Castelgandolfo last July.
Second prize went to Associated Press journalist Alexander Zemlianichenko for a photo of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Russian President Vladimir Putin wearing fur hats during a meeting in December 2002. Turkish photographer Erhan Sevenler from the Anatolia news agency was awarded third prize with a sequence showing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan falling from his horse while inaugurating a public park in Istanbul last July.
The 7,000 euro first prize and the runners-up awards will be presented on May 20 during a ceremony at the French Embassy in Rome. Chaired by Monicelli, the jury included picture editors of five Italian dailies.
The prize was established in the memory of Georges Bendrihem, an AFP photographer who died in a car accident in Tunisia at the end of an assignment covering an official visit by President Jacques Chirac. It was the first time the prize was awarded outside France, in order to give the prize a more European dimension.
Bron: AFP.
dinsdag, april 27, 2004
A photojournalist from Ugandan's war-torn northern region is using proceeds from international exhibitions of his photographs to pay for the education of child victims of the war.
James Akena, 31, from the main northern town of Gulu, set up a small project from money obtained in widely publicised exhibitions in Europe of his photographs of northern Uganda. The project is named "Ki Ni Kono", meaning "What if it were you?" in Acholi, one of the main language in the war-affected area. It is financing vocational courses for 15 former abductees of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).
Most of the money came from pictures sold at exhibitions. Half the proceeds going towards paying for school fees and the rest to other aid for the children. The most recent exhibition lasted from 30 September 2003 to 27 January this year.
"I took the exhibition to a number of towns in Germany and Belgium, where we got a good reception," Akena said. "We did presentations to young people and got some collections after viewings."
Akena said his aim was to give the former child victims the "start in life that the LRA tried to deny them". He is planning to hold more exhibitions later this year in Australia and the United Kingdom.
Bron: allAfrica.com.
James Akena, 31, from the main northern town of Gulu, set up a small project from money obtained in widely publicised exhibitions in Europe of his photographs of northern Uganda. The project is named "Ki Ni Kono", meaning "What if it were you?" in Acholi, one of the main language in the war-affected area. It is financing vocational courses for 15 former abductees of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).
Most of the money came from pictures sold at exhibitions. Half the proceeds going towards paying for school fees and the rest to other aid for the children. The most recent exhibition lasted from 30 September 2003 to 27 January this year.
"I took the exhibition to a number of towns in Germany and Belgium, where we got a good reception," Akena said. "We did presentations to young people and got some collections after viewings."
Akena said his aim was to give the former child victims the "start in life that the LRA tried to deny them". He is planning to hold more exhibitions later this year in Australia and the United Kingdom.
Bron: allAfrica.com.
Het fotografen-agentschap NEL is failliet. De rechtbank heeft het faillissement een week geleden uitgesproken nadat oprichtster Nelly Strijkers het zelf had aangevraagd.
Lees verder in de Volkskrant.
Lees verder in de Volkskrant.
The U.S. Department of Defense has announced that it will tighten its policy of forbidding the release of pictures of coffins or funerals of American soldiers killed in Iraq. This decision came in response to the printing and broadcast of a civilian contractor's photograph of flag- draped caskets, as well as the release of government-taken photos to a private Web site, the result of a Freedom of Information Act request.
The enforcement of the policy is, in fact, unfeasible, self-defeating for the Defense Department, not beneficial for the war effort and also disrespectful to the soldiers themselves.
Lees verder in Newsday het artikel onder de titel "U.S. can't block coffin photos".
The enforcement of the policy is, in fact, unfeasible, self-defeating for the Defense Department, not beneficial for the war effort and also disrespectful to the soldiers themselves.
Lees verder in Newsday het artikel onder de titel "U.S. can't block coffin photos".
maandag, april 26, 2004
Jacob Ehrbahn is een Deense fotojournalist die dit jaar prijzen won bij Picture of the Year, NPPA Best of Photojournalism en World Press Photo. Desondanks kreeg hij beduidend minder aandacht in de media dan andere, meer aandachtsbeluste, collega's. Zijn bescheidenheid siert hem, maar zijn foto's mogen wel wat vaker getoond worden, zoals gisteren bij de World Press Photo Award Days.
Afghanistan. foto Jacob Ehrbahn

Afghanistan. foto Jacob Ehrbahn
Het Anne Frankhuis heeft zeldzame foto's en filmmateriaal van Anne Frank online beschikbaar gemaakt. De vernieuwde website is gelanceerd in verband met de 75ste verjaardag van Anne Frank op 12 juni aanstaande.
Anne en Margot aan het strand.
In het Amsterdamse fotografiemuseum Foam is vanaf 12 juni een tentoonstelling te zien met foto's uit de albums van de Anne en Margot Frank. Het is voor het eerst dat de foto's zelfstandig worden getoond. De tentoonstelling, samengesteld door gastconservator Victor Levie, bestaat uit ruim 70 foto's. Het overgrote deel van de foto's is genomen door Otto Frank, een enthousiaste amateurfotograaf. De première van de tentoonstelling vindt overigens plaats in New York. Daar worden vanaf 20 mei de foto's getoond in galerie Kraushaar.

Anne en Margot aan het strand.
In het Amsterdamse fotografiemuseum Foam is vanaf 12 juni een tentoonstelling te zien met foto's uit de albums van de Anne en Margot Frank. Het is voor het eerst dat de foto's zelfstandig worden getoond. De tentoonstelling, samengesteld door gastconservator Victor Levie, bestaat uit ruim 70 foto's. Het overgrote deel van de foto's is genomen door Otto Frank, een enthousiaste amateurfotograaf. De première van de tentoonstelling vindt overigens plaats in New York. Daar worden vanaf 20 mei de foto's getoond in galerie Kraushaar.

foto Peter Dejong
World Press Photo winner Jean-Marc Bouju of France, center, and Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister Bernard Bot hold the award as World Press Photo chairman Gerrit-Jan Wolffensperger stands by, left, during the award ceremony at Oude Kerk church, Amsterdam.
zondag, april 25, 2004
Unidentified gunmen broke the arms of Palestinian news photographer Jamal Arouri in Ramallah on Thursday night, in the latest attack on a journalist in the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories. Arouri, 38, who also works for PA daily Al-Ayyam, said two masked men carrying pistols pounced on him as he walked out of his car in front of his house and clubbed him, breaking both his arms. The assailants fired shots into the air before fleeing in a vehicle with other men inside. He said the attackers broke some of his cameras and stole two others.
Eyewitnesses said the attackers used a vehicle with Israeli license plates. The PA security forces said they have launched an investigation, but no arrests were reported. Arouri is being treated at the Zayed Hospital in Ramallah, where he was visited by scores of Palestinian journalists who came to express their condemnation for the attack.
"I have been on this job for 14 years and never been through such an experience," said Arouri. "I have no enemies... This is the first time in my life that somebody has attacked me." AFP Jerusalem bureau chief Christian Chaise said there was no discernible motive for the beating. "We are at a total loss," he said. "We have no explanation."
Bron: Jerusalem Post.
Eyewitnesses said the attackers used a vehicle with Israeli license plates. The PA security forces said they have launched an investigation, but no arrests were reported. Arouri is being treated at the Zayed Hospital in Ramallah, where he was visited by scores of Palestinian journalists who came to express their condemnation for the attack.
"I have been on this job for 14 years and never been through such an experience," said Arouri. "I have no enemies... This is the first time in my life that somebody has attacked me." AFP Jerusalem bureau chief Christian Chaise said there was no discernible motive for the beating. "We are at a total loss," he said. "We have no explanation."
Bron: Jerusalem Post.